In studying English, pupils develop skills in speaking and listening, reading and writing. It enables them to communicate effectively with a range of audiences and express themselves clearly, creatively and imaginatively. The effectiveness of literacy teaching determines the success of the whole curriculum. English is cross-curricular - it is an essential element of learning in all areas of the curriculum. We follow the National Curriculum and believe the development of literacy skills is best ensured by providing a rich and varied linguistic environment.
Talking is fundamental to a pupil’s learning; talking clearly, confidently and with expression to communicate ideas and feelings. Similarly, and just as importantly, is the need to listen to others and respond appropriately. At St Laurence School we aim not only to teach children the skills to read with confidence, fluency and understanding but, also to read for pleasure and purpose.
All children are encouraged to take books home to practise and reinforce the skills taught in school. Pupils are helped to develop the ability to express their thoughts and ideas through the written word. We believe it is important that children see their writing as having purpose and that they regard themselves as authors of their work. Opportunities are provided for children to develop the necessary writing skills required for different purposes and audiences. The link between reading and writing is strongly emphasised.
Please have a look at the link below for suggested reading lists for every group: